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Hello guy, s best regards here I will explain about MAGNUS ,,What is MAGNUS?

Cognitive and Collaborative Collaboration between Artificial Intelligence, Robots, People, Sensors Networks, and Distributed Hardware based on Smart Ethereum Agreements. Magnus started a new era of business, technology and thought. The Magnus era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interact with each other. Magnus' ultimate goal is to make people smarter, better, cheaper, and faster by working with other Magnus Collective network agents.

In addition, Magnus will have his own bot agent called "Sentry Bots," which will stop the evil agents from getting out of the Magnus network. Sentry Bots use a positive and negative list to maintain reputation and efficiency in the Magnus network.

Magnus will be able to negotiate and connect to other chain blocks or future non-block-based network chains in the future via a gateway called a portal. Portals will ensure that Magnus, even if Magnus does not take on a leadership role in networking, never becomes obsolete or obsolete. The portal will translate negotiations and requests between different networks and will open Magnus to all external ones.

Cover the Magnus ecosystem

Recognition of the Magnus ecosystem industry

MAGNUS growth

Current technologies and business landscapes are ripe for networks like Magnus, because 5 growth drivers have used steroids over the past decade.
  •  Income from artificial intelligence based on the world market area 2015-2024

  • - Global AI revenue from 2016 to 2025
Over the next decade, the global artificial intelligence market is estimated at more than $ 3 trillion. According to the PWC, AI will even contribute $ 15.7 trillion to the global economy in the next decade.

To contextualize, it's more than the current production of some of the world's largest economies. The AI ​​is expected to disrupt and abolish existing business, transportation, and work definition opportunities.

A report from the Harvard Business Review found that although HE was used sporadically in various sectors, the chance to change the game has not yet taken place. The biggest opportunity will only be used if the AI ​​can work together and gain power over different geographic regions, industries and use cases

Human collaboration with AI (Robot)

AI innovation has accelerated in recent years - important growth drivers are cost-effective computing and access to large amounts of data. Artificial intelligence, signal processing, and engine learning have spurred many of today's popular technologies, from search engines, voice assistants, to online ad targeting. The creation of a combined cognitive platform is already taking place - this is not a research project in a college lab - and it has accelerated in the last decade.

So far, the smart people make the highest score by making the smallest number of mistakes. AI will change the basic logic because there is a Google engine or an IBM Watson platform.

So we're seeing an era of augmentation where people need to work with AI to get tangible results. Intelligent machines can process, store and store information faster and better than humans. In addition, AI patterns can allocate faster and generate a wider range of alternatives than we can. AI can even learn faster. In the age of the intelligent machine, our old definition of what makes someone smart does not make snse.

Why Blockchain?

Blockchain, which became known for bitcoin, has proven that by combining peer-to-peer networks with cryptographic algorithms, a group of agents can reach an agreement for a controlling authority. By combining Blockchain with other systems such as robotic robotic systems or AI pools, groups can work together autonomously, flexibly, securely, and smoothly.

Blockchain technology shows that by combining a peer-to-peer network with a cryptographic algorithm, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular circumstance and record the agreement in a secure and verifiable manner without a central authority. Due to its decentralized nature and key principles such as robot swarms, AI bundles and IOT hubs.

Why do we need a MAGNUS token?

To maximize its success, the economic logic of Magnus Collective should enable the purchase and sale of all services while harnessing the discovery process. And to ensure that all actors have easy and smooth access to the collective. Thus, the economic logic is set for the following purposes:

  • Open, global and unlicensed access to different actors.
  • Review and discovery of services.
  • Good will generation.
  • Bridging and crossing different networks and blockchain.
Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal. It guarantees free and non-discriminatory access from the beginning and centralizes the value created by the collective. There are mechanisms for inflation incentives. To review the service, supports 2 years of popular and industrial robotic platform rental and appreciate the network.

Magnus Token is revived after careful consideration and long deliberation. We have thought through the economic logic of hard coding in comparison to the design of economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all of the unique requirements of the token - the collective could collapse - and fail to achieve its goals.

The result of our careful analysis is that only the original Magnus Collective token optimizes the desired target. To create markets that simplify transactions, guarantee access to the world, and drive growth, we need the original tokens that are aligned with the Robotics, AI, and IOT markets. And we decided to secure our token with the Robotics rental platform - especially with the Table Top Robot Smart platform.

Token sales phase

→This goes through the following phases

  1. Pre-ICO: Stage with a 60% bonus. 2 weeks.
  2. nd Main ICO 0: Phase with 40% bonus. 48 hours.
  3. rd Main ICO 1: Phase with 30% bonus. 1 week.
  4. Main ICO 2: Phase with 20% Bonus. 1 week.
  5. Main ICO 3: Phase with 10% Bonus. 1 week.
  6. Main ICO 4: Phase with 5% bonus. 1 week.
  7. Unsold tokens are burned to ICO

Further information:

BITCOINTALK :;u=1201244
ETH: 0x63f77c27DF9f3db79E1feEC19dDc69990E962c03

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