Drug Non-Adherence – A Global ProblemMedicines are our most cost-efectve health interventon and represent the frst line of defense against chronic and long-term conditons. Hundreds of millions of people take them every day. However, medicines are only efectve if used correctly. Whether it’s insulin to treat diabetes, a beta blocker to treat hypertension or levothyroxine to treat thyroid disease, medicines help improve our quality of life, save money, and in many cases, keep us alive.
what is Curaizon™?
Curaizon™ is the only company that ofers a complete healthcare ecosystem that supports patents by reducing drug non-adherence. The ecosystem include CuraServe™, CuraData™ and CuraView™ and helps to lower healthcare costs and advance medical research.
• Communicates with patents using non-intrusive reminders.
• Enables family members to support patents.Supports healthcare providers with a real-tme view into patent behavior.
• Integrates with health services legacy systems.
• Ensures that all patent data is current.
• Provides real-tme feedback to electronic medical record.
• Collects unique and valuable data.
• Holds only demographic and adherence data. Patent identfers held by health service.
• Available through CuraToken.
• Integrates with health services legacy systems.
• Ensures that all patent data is current.
• Provides real-tme feedback to electronic medical record.
• Collects unique and valuable data.
• Holds only demographic and adherence data. Patent identfers held by health service.
• Available through CuraToken.
Our Vision
As we probe billions of data points and build our deep learning analysis tools, Curaizon™ is able to beter inform concepts such as prescribing practces, treatment optmizaton, mult-morbidity efciencies and red-fag issues that exist within drug groupings, demographics and other specifc problems within the value-chain of care. This data and informaton will drive major efciencies within healthcare, improving the quality of care and drastcally improving patent outcomes while reducing waste. By providing healthcare services with efectve tools, Curaizon™ can help deliver the kind of services patents and healthcare providers want and need.
Curaizon™ is unique because our CuraServe™ soluton generates the informaton that drives the value of our CuraData™ platorm. We’re not simply ofering another way of storing, sharing or mining data. Our data is the frst-of-its-kind insight into real-tme patent behaviour and adherence.
As we probe billions of data points and build our deep learning analysis tools, Curaizon™ is able to beter inform concepts such as prescribing practces, treatment optmizaton, mult-morbidity efciencies and red-fag issues that exist within drug groupings, demographics and other specifc problems within the value-chain of care. This data and informaton will drive major efciencies within healthcare, improving the quality of care and drastcally improving patent outcomes while reducing waste. By providing healthcare services with efectve tools, Curaizon™ can help deliver the kind of services patents and healthcare providers want and need.
Curaizon™ is unique because our CuraServe™ soluton generates the informaton that drives the value of our CuraData™ platorm. We’re not simply ofering another way of storing, sharing or mining data. Our data is the frst-of-its-kind insight into real-tme patent behaviour and adherence.
Through our collaboratons with research insttutons, natonal health services and biotech companies, we shall create one of the most powerful and valuable data sources in healthcare. We will become a centre for excellence within the community of healthcare and pharmaceutcal industries. Our data and analytcs will fnally give the health and pharmaceutcal industries the tools they have been looking for to bring about the change patents need. Our value-based approach to a simple, accessible, yet valuable exchange of data and analysis will revolutonise the healthcare landscape. Leveraging our contracts with healthcare providers, we can quickly build an ecosystem of mutually benefcial stakeholders within the value chain. Healthcare is changing forever and Curaizon™ stands at the cutng edge of this transformaton.
At Curaizon™, we believe that our adherence tools, data and analytcs will drive the evoluton of Smart Health solutons within the health and pharmaceutcal industries. pharmaceutcal research, for example, would be transformed from a tme consuming, laborious process into a streamlined, data driven, and efcient one
Utlity Tokens
CuraToken™ (“CTKN”) is an EIP-20 Ethereum-based utlity token which can be used to access medical adherence data via Curaizon’s™ CuraData™ platorm. This data is of interest to research insttutons, natonal health services and biotech companies. Blockchain technology will be used to store the patent permissions and ensure transparency and anonymity. Through the smart contracts and embedded API calls, access is given to the underlying big data. Through this technology, CuraToken™ (CTKN) will become a unique soluton to build a win-win-win situaton for token holders, patents and medical insttutons.
The data grows over tme and constantly increases in utlity and consequently value. Our reward program encourages data collaboraton, thus increasing the overall value and atractveness of our data.
• NO new tokens will be created afer the token sale ends
• 50% of tokens will be available for sale to reach our hard-cap of $25 million during our Token Sale
Our Systems Can!
TOKEN NAME: CuraToken™
PLATFORM: Ethereum
Token Propertes• NO new tokens will be created afer the token sale ends
• 50% of tokens will be available for sale to reach our hard-cap of $25 million during our Token Sale
Our Systems Can!
• Statcally, half of the 1.4 billion patents are taking some kind of long-term medicaton. Our expectaton is that we will penetrate up to 30% of this market.
• As an example, when looking at type-2 diabetes in the UK, our technology delivers a cost-beneft rato in the order of >500 tmes. This means that every dollar a health services spends with us, we can save them more than $500. Combine this with the incredibly valuable data we generate from our reminder and monitoring technologies, where we typically capture 4 data points for each patent daily, and you can quickly see how this real-tme data and analytcs will become an invaluable dataset for the healthcare sector worldwide.
• Our patent data will contnue to increase in size and, with the adherence technology, it will constantly increase in utlity and consequently value.
• Non-adherent patents cost twice as much to treat as those who take their medicatons as prescribed11.
• As a result, it is imperatve that health services engage with our technology to realize the potental reductons in waste and become more efcient. Reducing premature and unnecessary death is also a primary functon of what we do and how we help solve the wider societal impacts of drug non-adherence.
• All of this saving is enabled through our utlity token which accesses the research and analytcs tools of CuraData™ to provide real tme analysis on patent behavior and adherence.
Tokens will be received by token holders upon completon of token sale with the distributon as follows:
Stage 1
August 01, 2018, 12PM
August 31, 2018, 11PM
Stage 2
August 31, 2018, 11PM
Q4, 2018
Inital CuraToken rate
0.20 USD
Min purchase - 2500 CuraToken tokens
(500.00 USD)
0.20 USD
Min purchase - 2500 CuraToken tokens
(500.00 USD)
5% bonus
5% bonus
0.20 USD - 0.20 USD
Depending on tme of purchase Time is set in UTC zon
United Kingdom Curaizon™ is headquartered in London. Our ofces are located near the UK’s Natonal Health Service (“NHS”), our single largest customer. We work with various departments within the NHS and will complete our clinical trials through one of their primary care centers. The UK’s NHS is leading the way in technological development within healthcare.
Denmark As an organizaton, we also need to be close to our technical partners. By having an ofce in Copenhagen, Denmark, not only are we able to achieve the important collaboratve proximity, but we are also able to leverage our positon with some of the most forward-thinking health services in Europe. The Nordic region, like so many countries, look to the UK’s NHS as a benchmark and are working hard to implement innovaton that benefts their societes. We are already speaking to the key decision makers in these countries to roll-out our services.
Beyond… Our inital target market is the European Union, Commonwealth countries and some countries within North America and the Middle East. Beyond these markets, it is likely that we will engage in white label partnerships with other regions.
Here is a review that I present to all of you in searching for information and knowing CURAIZON projects that are currently being run by our team, if there are deficiencies in explaining this article, don't worry, I have prepared a link for you to get accurate information. . information and of course you will be able to speak directly with our team, at the link.
For more information and to join CURAIZON social media, please follow these resources.
• As an example, when looking at type-2 diabetes in the UK, our technology delivers a cost-beneft rato in the order of >500 tmes. This means that every dollar a health services spends with us, we can save them more than $500. Combine this with the incredibly valuable data we generate from our reminder and monitoring technologies, where we typically capture 4 data points for each patent daily, and you can quickly see how this real-tme data and analytcs will become an invaluable dataset for the healthcare sector worldwide.
• Our patent data will contnue to increase in size and, with the adherence technology, it will constantly increase in utlity and consequently value.
• Non-adherent patents cost twice as much to treat as those who take their medicatons as prescribed11.
• As a result, it is imperatve that health services engage with our technology to realize the potental reductons in waste and become more efcient. Reducing premature and unnecessary death is also a primary functon of what we do and how we help solve the wider societal impacts of drug non-adherence.
• All of this saving is enabled through our utlity token which accesses the research and analytcs tools of CuraData™ to provide real tme analysis on patent behavior and adherence.
Token Distributon
Tokens will be received by token holders upon completon of token sale with the distributon as follows:
Stage 1
August 01, 2018, 12PM
August 31, 2018, 11PM
Stage 2
August 31, 2018, 11PM
Q4, 2018
Inital CuraToken rate
0.20 USD
Min purchase - 2500 CuraToken tokens
(500.00 USD)
0.20 USD
Min purchase - 2500 CuraToken tokens
(500.00 USD)
5% bonus
5% bonus
0.20 USD - 0.20 USD
Depending on tme of purchase Time is set in UTC zon
Our team combines passion, innovation and expertise with experience in healthcare, finance, operations, marketing and technology
United Kingdom Curaizon™ is headquartered in London. Our ofces are located near the UK’s Natonal Health Service (“NHS”), our single largest customer. We work with various departments within the NHS and will complete our clinical trials through one of their primary care centers. The UK’s NHS is leading the way in technological development within healthcare.
Denmark As an organizaton, we also need to be close to our technical partners. By having an ofce in Copenhagen, Denmark, not only are we able to achieve the important collaboratve proximity, but we are also able to leverage our positon with some of the most forward-thinking health services in Europe. The Nordic region, like so many countries, look to the UK’s NHS as a benchmark and are working hard to implement innovaton that benefts their societes. We are already speaking to the key decision makers in these countries to roll-out our services.
Beyond… Our inital target market is the European Union, Commonwealth countries and some countries within North America and the Middle East. Beyond these markets, it is likely that we will engage in white label partnerships with other regions.
Here is a review that I present to all of you in searching for information and knowing CURAIZON projects that are currently being run by our team, if there are deficiencies in explaining this article, don't worry, I have prepared a link for you to get accurate information. . information and of course you will be able to speak directly with our team, at the link.
For more information and to join CURAIZON social media, please follow these resources.
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1201244ETH: 0x63f77c27DF9f3db79E1feEC19dDc69990E962c03
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